Iron Men - A Men's Ministry
The name of our group has several meanings. As the verse states, we are trying to sharpen one another spiritually. We also believe the name can be identified in the superhero sense. The men of our church are valuable and important and are the spiritual leaders of their families and communities. We need to have strong men who are iron-like, superheroes in their faith in Christ
The purpose of Iron Men is to draw men closer to God. Every man is at a different place in his spiritual journey. Our goal is to help each man take a step closer to their Heavenly Father so that he knows and understands Him in a more intimate way and so that he has a better understanding of his identity and destiny in Christ. Iron Men exists to encourage and challenge men in their walk with God.
Join us for an informal time of food, fellowship, prayer, and discussion around God's Word. We meet regularly throughout the year. Location changes, please contact bretskysunday@hotmail.com.
Come check us out! Learn how to be a superhero – be an Iron Man in Christ!