Ting Ministries - Lebanon , PA

​Members of Christian Alliance for Orphans and Christian Leadership Alliance, the Carpenters purpose of three-fold:
Ting Ministries seeks to raise awareness about the plight of the special needs orphans worldwide.
Ting Ministries seeks to provide safe, Christian counseling for adoptive families.
Ting Ministries seeks to work with native missionaries to go and share the Gospel of Christ with the orphans, so they are equipped to be leaders in their own countries.

Dan and Arlene Bauman
- Wycliffe
Dan and Arlene served in Papua New Guinea (PNG) since 1990 and now work remotely from the US. Dan provides IT support, readies scripture recordings for release, mixes and adds additional instrument tracks to vernacular worship music and composes royalty-free background music tracks for use with New Testament recordings. This role combines his musical and audio giftings with his computer and technical expertise.
While at least some scripture has been translated into 350 of the over 800 languages in PNG, access is often limited by low literacy rates. Putting translated scripture into audio form resonates with oral cultures and multiplies the impact and reach of God's Word in the local languages. These recordings are distributed on solar-powered audio players in remote locations or micro-SD cards for use in mobile phones and other devices in more urban areas.

Aligning with God to proclaim the gospel and champion the sacredness of life
Pregnancy Services
We’ve extended life-giving pregnancy services to families within Lebanon and Lancaster Counties for more than three decades. We’ve come alongside thousands of pregnant women who were vulnerable to the pressures of abortion—some believed that abortion was their only choice. We provide first trimester ultrasounds and present pregnancy options, and meet some of the multi-faceted needs of mothers and fathers who want to parent their babies – like baby care essentials and referrals for medical care and financial assistance. We also provide post-abortion support to those who have made the difficult choice of abortion.
Most importantly, it’s our honor to share about the One who gives life—Jesus—and the immense love He has for our clients so they can know they’re created by God and designed for a life-changing, fulfilling relationship with Him that reflects His goodness and glory!
We have locations in Columbia, Ephrata, Lancaster, and Lebanon.

Website: Home - PA Family
The Mission of the Pennsylvania Family Institute is to strengthen families by restoring to public life the traditional, foundational principles and values essential for the well-being of society. We are the only full-time, professionally staffed non-profit organization representing family values—your values—in the state capitol. We encourage responsible citizenship and involvement in civic affairs to promote respect for life, family, marriage and religious liberty. Our goal is for Pennsylvania to be a place where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.

True Life Youth Ministries is a Christian, non-profit organization ministering to the urban youth in our community. Our full-time and part-time staff, coupled with countless volunteers, are dedicated to giving young people the opportunity to become lifelong followers of Jesus Christ.
Website: HOME | True Life Youth
​God has drawn our attention to the many kids in Lebanon whose lives are surrounded by instability. Poverty, the breakdown of families, and the influence of an ungodly society have removed the pillars of love, security and morality. Children are forced to adapt to their negative environments. They tend to think that their experiences are the norm. There are no quick fixes for the hurts of these young people.
However, True Life Youth Ministries is committed to making a lasting impact. The overriding objective of each facet of our ministry is to bring the hope of Jesus and lasting change to the youth of Lebanon. Experience has shown us that the best way to make a lasting impact in a person’s life is to build a quality relationship with them. The stability and security a child finds in these relationships establishes a fertile foundation for them to explore and accept a life changing personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
A growing relationship with Jesus provides a child with the essential pillars of love, security, and acceptance that they can only find in God. Young people participating in True Life Youth Ministries programs are finding hope for today and a promise of eternal life. As they decide to follow Jesus, we have the opportunity to equip them to become spiritual leaders in their schools, in their families, and in their community as youth for Christ. That process fulfills our mission of building a community of young lives changed by Jesus Christ.