Building Hope for Future Generations!
“God’s ways will be passed down from one generation to the next, even to those not yet born. In this way, every generation will have a living faith in the laws of life and will never forget the faithful ways of God.” Psalm 78: 6,7

Legacy is committed to providing opportunities to develop meaningful connections that will meet the relational needs of men, women, moms, and youth who desire to grow together in the Lord. The following groups are meeting for that purpose:
RISE- Ministry to Youth
Young Adults
Ironmen - Ministry to Men
Generations - Ministry to Women
Home Groups - Ministry to Families, Singles, Couples
These groups provide a safe and supportive environment for those who want to grow closer to Him and closer to each other - and have fun in the process! If you are interested in learning more about these life changing gatherings, contact us for more information nanceeb@hotmail.com.